Strawberry Foam (Jahodová Pena)

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Here is a recipe for a simple frosting you can use to top deserts. The Slovak name for this topping is jahodová pena which means strawberry foam. Depending on how long you beat it, you end up either with something like whipped-cream that you can mix fresh fruits into for a quick sweet snack. As you beat the foam longer, it gets stiffer and more suitable for decorating cakes and deserts.

Ingredients: 7 (100g) whole strawberries, one egg white, 1/2 cup (75g) powdered sugar, teaspoon of lemon juice
Prep Time: 15 minutes

ingredients for making strawberry frosting foam blended strawberries
Combine the strawberries (jahody), egg white (bielok), powdered sugar (práškový cukor), and lemon juice (citrónová štava) in a blender or a food processor. Blend everything together.

strawberry foam thickening strawberry frosting foam
The ingredients will first turn into a soupy liquid. As you keep blending you’ll notice both the volume and the stiffness increasing. The volume increase is quite dramatic – I am estimating about four-fold. Which means that my food processor was way too small. By the time the foam started spilling over the top, the consistency was still thin, yogurt-like. So I transferred half out into a bowl and kept blending. After about 10 minutes of blending I had foam thick enough to hold shape. This is where I stopped, since I wanted something that can be easily spread on as a topping onto šišky (Slovak donuts). Finger-licking good!