Archive for December, 2009

St. Lucia Day
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Information about celebrations of St. Lucia Day in Slovakia. This was the main of the witching day.
Salt Sticks (Slané Tyčinky)
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Salt sticks, (slane tycinky) are rectangular pieces cut out of flaky pastry dough that are topped with caraway, sesame or cheese. They are a tasty ...
Farmer's Cheese Cake (Tvarožník)
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Tvaroznik is a cake consisting of flat leavened dough topped with a sweet farmer's cheese mixture. It is very popular in Slovakia. This recipe cont...
Poppy Seed and Nut Roll (Makovník a O...
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Learn how to make the traditional Slovak poppy seed and nut rolls, as prepared my grandma. This illustrated recipe contains step-by-step instructio...
Leavened Dough (Kysnuté Cesto)
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I watched my grandma make leavened dough in her house in Slovakia. This is her recipe, with photos of each step.
Lesson 3 Vocabulary: Numbers
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Learn to count in Slovak. Numbers from zero to ten, the teens, the tens, and some big number - all with audio!
Lesson 3 Grammar: Using Numbers
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Few words on using numbers in Slovak language. Part of the free Slovak language lessons on Check it out today.
Lesson 3 Dialog: How much?
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Slovak language lesson 3 dialog: learn how to asks how much something costs in the restaurant, and to ask for your bill.
St. Nicholas Day (Deň Sv. Mikuláša)
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St. Nicholas day is the celebration of life of an ancient pilgrim and bishop who performed many acts of generosity. He is the source of the American Santa Claus. This day is very popular with kids: they get presents in their shoes, and also from the St. Nick himself.
Bacon Potatoes (Slaninové Zemiaky)
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Recipe with pictures for baked potatoes baked with slices of bacon and seasoned with paprika, caraway, salt and pepper.